Friday, 19 December 2014

I'm Sorry

Dear gossips,

Sorry for my absence and lack of posts. I've had e-mails asking me when I will post more regularly and I just haven't had time, being that I am working and my schedule is crazy. I am going to try and commit to 1-2 posts a week in the Newyear, we will see how that goes. The Sony hacking scandal has had me itching to write something... shit so much to say.

The racism, bigotry and sexism in Hollywood is finally being aired to the world thanks to Amy Pascals mail box. I feel bad for the average Sony employee who has been implicated, but I have no sympathy for those crummy executives. Yes this is a serious security threat, potentially to all of us if these hackers have so much power, but I am not going to defend Sony or ignore their stinky attitudes and it's shocking to me that people are brushing that part of this whole mess aside! These attitudes are WIDE-SPREAD in Hollywood and actually, the e-mails you've seen are only the tip of the ice-burg.

George Clooney, Chairman to Hollywood  ( as Lainey Gossip often calls him) reportedly sent around a petition and lashed out at other studios for not defending Sony. HA! You really think they're going to put themselves at risk of being hacked too Mr Clooney, oh come on now, you should know better, G.  I bet they're all wishing Sony burns to the ground, less competition for them. I think this is also the reason so few celebs have come forward, don't just assume we're all scared of being targeted ourselves. A lot of us are kind of loving this. The puppet masters that pull the strings being humiliated. How many scorned creatives and former work colleges do you think are relishing in the public humiliation of their masters....A LOT.

I actually think these are the worst hackers ever. I mean if you're going to give me juice, give me the sweet stuff. Hack Harvey Weinstien or Micheal Bays e-mail box. Now that I'd pay to see.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I disagree with people who say this is somehow a threat to cinema. Let's be real here. The movie (The Interview) that supposedly sparked this whole thing is nothing more than a cheap comedy staring that pervert James Franco & the never funny (in my opinion) Seth Rogan. It does little to address the serious ( and not comedic)  issues going on in North Korea and serves to entertain brain-dead movie goers who will only trivialize the matter further.

This whole mess has got to be the most entertaining thing Sony has been involved in for years.

More to come.


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