About Me

'Tis better to be at the top than to be at the bottom where the only time anyone talks to you, is to tell you to get out of the fucking way so they can take a picture of the more famous person behind you.' - My personal saying.

Why hello there gossips.

Allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Misty as I wish to remain anonymous. If you're looking for a good gossip, from someone who works within showbiz, you've come to the right place. I am not a creepy journalist, party groupie, or BFF to some famous person, I am infact, a celebrity myself. 

I thought being that I'm part of this crazy showbiz world now, why not write my own blog and show you all what it's really like, from the inside. I love what I do and the opportunities it gives me. You'd be surprised what privileges even being on the Z-list can bring....although I'm a little higher up the food chain than that. Equally though, there are its bad parts. I guess in someways, this is almost like a therapy for me to let off my steam. I also know a lot of people want to get into the fame game and could do with some advice on how to navigate it without becoming a train-wreck, so I'm offering tips on that too, plus my analysis on other celebrities and the biz in general. 

I have to be careful about how much of myself I reveal but I can tell you the following:

I am female and in my twenties.

I do not live in Hollywood.

I have been in showbiz since the age of 16, but only had my break through moment this year.  

I promise to fill you in on all the juicy ish I see as I scratch, claw and fight my way to the top. Showbiz peeps, be-fucking-ware!!!

Have any questions, query's or tips - e-mail me:  
Later gossip bitches.


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