Yet another naive young female celebrity allowing herself to be a door-mat for her has-been celebrity boyfriend. Career wise, Selena is doing a lot better than Justin. She had a decent hit with 'Come And Get It' and her movie Spring Breakers got better reviews than anticipated. Add a huge deal with Adidas and a good handful of awards, things are looking good for Selena Gomez, non?
So what about Justin Bieber?
Well, in the last year he's been arrested, accused of several crimes, been caught sucking stripper nipple and his last album Journals flopped, so did his movie Believe, which he had the nerve to release on Christmas Day. Because I haven't got other shit to do on Christmas day. Do you see that, do you see the level of self-importance?
I get the feeling he doesn't want Selena to progress, so he's pulling her back into what is clearly a toxic relationship. That's the power of bad-love, everybody else can see you're with an ass-hole, but you can't.
I wonder how she'll feel in 5, 10, 15, 20 years when she looks back at this and realises how much time she wasted chasing a washed up boy-wonder, instead of focusing on her career?
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